Friday, May 6, 2011

Vission & Dreams

Hari ini saya pegi klas mcm biase.. mcm biasa, pagi slot dgn Mr. Seelan and sebelah ptg slot with Mr. James.. hari ni Mr. James dan bg penerangan utk CSR project.. luckily, saya n Cik Diba dpt tugasan sbg Critics jer, keje mudah just bg komen here and there.. but don't worry guys.. we'll help as much as we can.. kite 1 TEAM kan? so.. okay.. ini tgh bersemangat utk mulakan CSR project tentang "GREEN PROJECT"! semua masih samar2 but InsyaAllah, in monday everybody will getting the clear picture of this project! so far, President and V.President are good in conveying messages to the team.. both are very suitable for the position laa.. hihihi

but, this post is isn't about the CSR project that will be held soon, but it's more on what Mr. James just said to all of us.. i can say it as a wake up call to everybody.. :)

Mr.James cakap.. (ayat die lebih kurang mcm nie.. ini just translation and extraction drpd ape yg die ckp.. hihihihi)

"dalam hidup kita msti ada vision and dreams.. berapa orang di antara kamu yg dare to share their dreams to other people????" apa nk jawab ek?

lagi die kate.....
"kalau kehidupan tanpa vision and dreams, kamu ibarat menaiki bas yang pemandunye tak tahu mana nak pegi, mana nak berhenti.. hidup kamu akan seems not useful without these things"- betul jugak kan?

so, respon saya sendiri (saya x jawab pd Mr.James pon.. just dalam hati jer)... x ade orang yg pernah tanya saya apa dreams saya? kalo ade pon maybe saya dah lupa.. *sigh*

apa dreams saya?????
apa vision saya?????

life vision tu ape? die lebih kurang mcm nie : "articulating your dreams and hopes for your life"


bagi saya.. dreams saya secara umum ialah utk dapat kehidupan yg stabil dr segala segi.. Rohani, emosi, fizikal, kewangan, emosi, dan mcm2 lagi lah.. hope dalam masa terdekat nie saya akan dapat semua nie.. InsyaAllah, semoga dipermudahkan.. 

haaaaaaaaa.. kalo ade lagu yg boleh translate perasaan saya sekarang nie ialah lagu dr kumpulan "4 NON_BLONDE- WHAT"S UP"

...***25 years of my life and still... I'm trying to get up that great big hill of hope... For a destination***...

huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu... SEBIJIK!!!! TOINGGGGGGGGGG~~~~~~~